PASTORAL COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGY(For the Masters Degree in Christian Counseling, a 6 credit hour Clinical Practicum is a requirement) CPS 500 PSYCHOLOGY AND THE CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVEThree hoursThis considers the integration of psychology and theology, indicating areas of conflict and agreement. Religious experience is seen from a psychological perspective: including such subjects as conversion, ecstatic experiences, religious neuroses, maturity, and Christian development. CPS 501 PRINCIPLES OF COUNSELING: A SURVEYThree hoursThis offering helps the student discover the basic concepts of counseling, and to increase skills and competence. One major aim is insight into how psychology is relevant in counseling. CPS 502 APPROACHES TO COUNSELINGThree hoursApproaches to counseling, from both secular and Christian perspectives. Christian counselors can learn from the insights of secular counselors, but should be aware of philosophical differences. CPS 503 CURRENT TRENDS IN COUNSELINGThree hoursThis course goes further than CPS 502. Current trends are considered. The primary aim is to help students understand and evaluate differing Christian approaches to counseling. CPS 504 PRE-MARITAL COUNSELING (See also CHD 506)Three hoursThis study considers premarital counseling as it relates to couples preparing for marriage, and analyzes the effects of weddings on families, congregation, community, and counterculture. CPS 505 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING (See also CPS 504)Six hoursThere are many necessary adjustments when two people come together in marriage. Scriptural principles are considered, and practical advice is offered. A careful examination is made of modern problems in marital and familial relationships, with Biblical principles suggested for treatment. CPS 506 CRISIS COUNSELINGThree hoursThis considers basic knowledge and counseling skills needed for crisis intervention at theoretical and practical levels. There is some overlap with other offerings in the area of counseling. CPS 507 PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELINGThree hoursThis is intended to help pastors and other Christian leaders in guiding people towards resolving their problems. There is some overlap with other counseling offerings. CPS 508 LAY COUNSELINGThree hoursTheoretical aspects and practical applications are considered, together with the recognition of professional boundaries and desirable restrictions on non-professional lay persons. ***CPS 509 CLINICAL PRACTICUMSix hours- by arrangement (Two Semesters)Three hoursCPS 530 DIRECTED STUDY*** COMPULSORY AND ADDITIONAL TO CHRISTIAN COUNSELLING PROGRAMS HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (See also courses set for the Diploma of Christian Education) CHD 501 FROM CONCEPTION TO FIVE YEARS OF AGEThree hoursWith normal conception, there are 23 chromosomes brought together from the mother and 23 from the father. The processes of development until birth are studied, then to about five years of age. CHD 502 CHILDHOOD GROWTHThree hoursThis course studies physical, motor, sensory, emotional, intellectual, language, spiritual, and moral development of children from about 6 to 12 years of age. CHD 503 ADOLESCENT GROWTHThree hoursThis course studies the developmental processes of youth, including early, middle and late adolescence. Problems and possible solutions are discussed. CHD 504 ISSUES AND PROBLEMS FOR ADULTS: