CHURCH MINISTRIES:GENERALCHM 501 PASTORAL MINISTRYThree hoursThis includes a study of the pastoral and administrative role of the average minister in his daily work. The methodology of pastoral work and conduct are viewed through the medium of experience and practicality. CHM 503 THE CHURCH AND WORSHIPThree hoursA study is made of the Biblical concepts of Christian worship, giving attention to its background, and to its development, principles, meaning, purpose, and successful implementation. CHM 505 CHURCH GROWTH PRINCIPLESThree hoursThis is a study of the principles which form the Biblical, theological and sociological foundations for Church Growth theory. The application of these principles in practical field research, and a consideration of growth in actual church situations is included in this course. CHM 506 THE MINISTRY OF WOMENThree hoursIn an age when Womens' Liberation is to the fore, there is often controversy as to the roles that women can occupy that women can occupy in Christian ministry. While recognizing differing points of view, this course looks at some of the positive Biblical aspects of the ministry of women. CHM 508 PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIPThree hoursThis study provides an understanding of the roles and styles of leadership as a basis for enhancing the student's own leadership abilities. CHM 511 MINISTERING TO THE SINGLE ADULTThree hours(Involving some Directed Study) The needs and problems of various categories of single adults are examined and strategies are considered for ministering to them. CHM 530 DIRECTED STUDYThree hoursThis may include specialized areas such as those listed above. CHURCH MINISTRIES:EVANGELISM(See also courses under CEC, Christian Evidences; JESUS 506, Jesus The Master Preacher; listings under CUL, Cults; and listings under ARC: Christian Evidences as Courses in Pre-Evangelism.) CME 501 THE BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONSFOR EVANGELISMThree hours(See also JESUS 506) This course considers the Biblical and theological foundations of evangelism throughout both Testaments. It recognizes the different priorities and positions that various Christian churches take with evangelism. The implications of the Gospel upon mankind are stressed. CME 502 PATTERNS OFEVANGELISM IN THE BOOK OF ACTSThree hoursThe Acts of the Apostles is the important bridge between the Gospels and the Pauline Epistles. This course considers the beginning of church establishment and growth. The patterns of evangelism are highly relevant for the church throughout the centuries. CME 503 STRATEGIES OF EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP, AND EVANGELISM IN THE LOCAL CHURCHThree hours(Formerly CME 507) This course considers various strategies of evangelism, the role of pre-evangelism and the importance of discipleship. Evangelism does not stop at commitment: it aims to equip Christians for the work of discipleship. CME 504 PREACHINGThree hoursThis is a study of the art, history and Biblical foundations of preaching, together with the part persuasion has in today's society. Homiletics and various types of preaching are considered, including a brief section dealing with open air evangelism. CME 505 HISTORY OF THE WORK OF EVANGELISM AND REVIVALThree hoursThis course considers the part evangelism has had on Church history. The history of revival throughout the Scriptures is studied, as well as throughout the history of the Church. CME 530 DIRECTED STUDYThree hours |